Parent Community: Culture and Conduct Statement


The St. Mary’s Primary School community recognises that students will best Grow in Knowledge, Thrive in Faith where a strong, positive and values-based culture supports the work of the school. 

School staff conduct is governed by a series of legislative requirements and codes to which staff commit, while expected student behaviour and their contribution to school culture is set out in school rules and classroom commitments.

This Culture and Conduct Commitment is specifically relevant to the parent community (including guardians), and the important role they play in building and maintaining our school culture. It aligns with the various education and workplace laws and school policies applicable to parents.

Our Culture

The parent community of St. Mary’s commits to and supports a school culture in which the following are central: 

  • The school’s values of Integrity, Respect, Care and Compassion, Responsibility and Reconciliation.
  • The common good.
  • Christian values and the Catholic ethos.
  • Trust in and respect for the expertise and skills of staff.
  • Partnership between parents and the school in the education of the children.
  • Contribution to events and initiatives that support the school and build community.
  • Resolving issues directly with the appropriate people in a constructive and respectful manner. 

Our Conduct

The parent community of St. Mary’s commits to at all times acting in accordance with appropriate conduct standards, including: 

  1. Respecting the rights of all school staff to a safe workplace free of intimidation, bullying, harassment and undue and unrealistic expectations.
  2. Not approaching a student, another parent/guardian, member of staff or other member of the school community in an aggressive, threatening or confrontational manner.
  3. Not approaching another child whilst in the care of the school to address, discuss or chastise them because of actions towards their own child/ren.
  4. Maintaining the confidentiality of private and sensitive information about the school and members of the school community.
  5. Not posting malicious, fictitious or other inappropriate comments on social media and the like about any member of the school community.
  6. Ensuring that public comments about the school are considered, informed, reasonable and do not unduly damage the reputation of the school or the school community.

Culture and Conduct Commitment

I/we understand the importance of the school culture as outlined above, and in living out the school’s values in all interactions with other members of the school community.

I/we acknowledge that ongoing conduct contrary to the preferred culture and values, and any breach of the conduct standards above, may result in the suspension or cancellation of my child/ren’s enrolment at St. Mary’s Primary School, Williamstown, at the discretion of the Parish Priest and School Principal.