School Fees

Schools Fees are set yearly and are made up of two components, fees and levies.

All school fees should be paid by the end of Term 3.

No Catholic Student will be denied a Catholic Education because of School Fees. If this applies to you, please contact the school to discuss and we will work with you to make sure you child is able to attend our school. Our Concessional School Fee Policy is also available to view on our policies page.

The school does not offer any Scholarship programs.

2024 School Fee Structure


Per family:  $3530.00


Student Fee per child:   $635.00 

Method of Payments over the Year

TERM 1 School Fee            $ 1177.00  plus

Student Levy per child   $ 635.00  Total for one child

$ 1811.00



School Fee             $ 1177.00


School Fee            $ 1176.00



Individual Fee due:           Monday 30 January, 2024            ($635.00)


Term 1 School Fee due:   Friday 1 March, 2024          ($1177.00)

Term 2 School Fee due:  Friday 2 May, 2024             ($1177.00)                      

Term 3 School Fee due:    Friday 6 September, 2024 ($1176.00)

Payments can be made via electronic banking.   

BSB = 083 347

Account Number = 658206494

Reference= Your eldest child’s surname and year level (in 2024)


NB: Please do not pay the parish levy or building fund into this account.

The parish levy and building fund have separate accounts)

Concessional Fee Rate $780 per child per year (Application Forms on the School Website)

** Why do School Fees differ between Catholic Primary Schools? The simple answer to this is that it comes down to Government funding. Catholic Primary Schools are funding through Federal and State Government Funding, and School Fees. The bulk of the funding is Federal and State Government Funding. School fees are only a small part of our income. The amount of Government Funding is determined by a score given to each school based on the income level of the families that attend the school. This score is based on the group certificates that are sent as part of our tax returns. So, if a school has higher fees, it is because they receive less Government Funding, not because they have extra programs and services.  In St Mary's case, this score determines that the families at our school have a higher 'capacity to pay,' and thus, our school fees are higher as we receive less Government Funding.

Catholic Schools receive 80% of their funding from the Federal Government, State Schools receive the bulk of their funding from the State Government.
