Support For Your Child.

The school has a number of structures to support your child.

Learning Support: Our Learning Support Leader's role is to support students who require extra assistance. This can means those students with diagnosed issues, students who need specific support, gifted students, behavioural issues.  Our Cordinator applies for funding through the National Consistent Collection of Data. (NCCD) Our Co-ordinator works as apart of a team that support the students across a range of needs. All our Support Staff work closely together and meet regularly.

Learning Support Officers (LSO's)  The School has a number of staff working as Learning Support Officers. These staff work to support Teachers and students to meet their needs. Our aim is to make all student independent learners.

Speech Pathologist: The school uses 'Speech Pathology for Schools.' Our Speech Pathogist service supports staff and families so we can meet the needs of your child. We have a speech pathologist at the school two days per week.
