Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which we acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills associated with the core areas of Social and Emotional (SE) competency.

Our aim is to develop the use of the Social and Emotional competencies in a safe and supportive school learning environment to assist students on their 'journey through life'

The five key competences are:
Self Awareness – recognizing emotions
Self Management – impulse control, self motivation, discipline and organizational skills
Social Awareness – empathy and respect for others
Relationship Skills – communication, social engagement, working co-operatively and help seeking
Responsible Decision Making – problem identification and problem solving

School and families have essential roles to play in promoting children's positive development and academic performance. When educators and parents work together as partners, they create important opportunities for children to develop age appropriate social, emotional and academic competencies
